That teacher is an absolutely brilliant problem solver. "Huge dick issues you say? I know just who to send in,..." He's gonna go places in the academic world.
So let me see if I got this straight: teacher recognizes that MC has been absent from school, possibly in reaction to being bullied over *koff-koff* "having a huge dick", and he dispatches the class's resident kogal girls to go check on him ("off the record", of course). And in the course of checking on him, they both "say hello to MC's little (NOT!) friend", and subsequently, they both take turns in (in no specific order), blowjobbing, tit-fucking and ultimately riding that "Tower Of Power" all the way to Shamballah (or somewhere like it) and back, and (like the 1985 rock song says) "lovin' every minute of it".
*crickets chirping*
Well, I've seen way crazier scenarios besides this one, so I'll let it slide.
Let the record show that (IMHO), this artist's FAKKU debut is "APPROVED!"
And make it double!