†žCould you let me stay until I figure out where I left my key?“ - and the key never reappeared and they stayed together and got some kids. In lots of sequels. Happy End (for everyone).
Hayami-kun might (*a-hem*) "need more training", as China-senpai was still able to (*a-hem, again*) "notice" him, even while seemingly out for the count, ... unless THAT was what she was really going for, when she dropped by.
In The End, they both seemed to enjoy it, and Hayami has a new living arrangement for a while ... the lucky bastard.
Ah yes, as always alcohol can be quite the wingman! Goes well with a side of sweet Vanilla loving, too.
"Surely it couldn't hurt"? Indeed, it won't. One might even say it is the natural instinct of a Hentai Protagonist to do so.
Great ending. Well hey, seems like a great arrangement. She may as well just move in with him...permanently.