I wouldn't be able to choose one girl over the other, but damn, now I remembered how fine monster girls Mojarin is capable of creating! Excuse me, I'll go and re-read some of her stories...
Well, I technically infected you with Sequelitus, so I don't know if I'm what people would call a good man. More like madman. But I'm funny. At least I try to convince me and the people that I'm funny...
Alcohol can be quite the wingman sometimes...
She certainly had to push quite hard to even get him to make a move, or rather, accept her coming onto him. I guess his fear of it being just a misunderstanding on his part is quite reasonable, but at least they're happy by the end?
I guess her vomiting all over the place would sour the mood a bit, but I guess it all works out in the end?
Well, funny enough I still keep my Yamatogawa and Homunculus books at home - the bank clerk seemed somehow shady and I would say he would be capable of stealing them...
Last Modified Sun Apr 30, 2017, 9:14 am