Kosuke-sensei found his first girlfriend at the age of 16. He experienced his first lost love that summer, but that's as far as similarities go with respect to this chapter.
Yep. There's a reason why this one is not in my favorites. I came here for heartwarming shit, you can shove "reality" up your ass if you think I give a damn. The ending makes this as bad as the garbage NTR shit.
What if, and hear me out here. What if this was a self insert for the artist as well as a self insert for the protagonist in the hentai? It’d be like the most self insert-ception there ever was.
Here I am at home reading this, saying to myself that this is almost exactly the same thing that happened to me 20 years ago! The trouble is,she stayed and the last page didn't happen. Yup,good story though!!
Wow, now that's a twist ending. I was all sucked into the sweet vanilla lovin' and than BAM!!! It wasn't real. Mr. Haruhito needs to give M. Night Shyamalan some advice because that's how you hit someone with a twist. Still an awesome read :)
Last Modified Wed Oct 19, 2016, 8:17 pm
I'll go sit in my corner.