My man went from reading a cooking magazine at the convenience store to having his old crush from 5 years ago confess her feelings for him during some Sakurai Maki quality reunion vanilla sex... that's that good shit!
Honestly "Reunion" needs to become a tag at this point lol.
Since Senpai said she was saving herself for Kodaya-kun I have to assume she was out looking for him over those five years. Cause if she wasn't and this was all a happy accident for them to not only meet at a random convenience store, but for him to also invite her over and they both have sex and confess their love for each other would be considered winning the lottery lucky lol.
This is why Vanilla is the best. It stays true to its self every time. The story's are always at their best. Then they throw in a great sex scene and don't forget the happy ending. !! TEA VANILLA HENTIA !!
Last Modified Wed Feb 22, 2023, 4:19 am