@Stanri010 Yeah, you're preachin' to the choir. I know some will like this scenario, but I'll smh and walk away with limpness if the finale's epilogue has Kana say something like, "Ya know, sometimes I remember Katsuragi and the happiness I once had with him, but nothing can beat the feeling I now have now that I'm honest with myself...."
"I'M BAAA-AAAACCCKKKK!" ..... and this was a most excellent story to find waiting for me.
Figuratively Speaking, contract killers are on standby if there's no happy ending to this tale when it's over, but then, let us have faith in Nishi-sensei to deliver it.
(I need this series to have a vanilla happy ending or so help me)
Nishi Iori again showing why they're one of my top favorite artists.
And as always, Nishi Iori book when?!
Last Modified Sun Oct 10, 2021, 7:09 pm