FYI on page 3 she says “Kentarou” because in the raw she used kanji and said it properly but the rest of the chapter she says “Kentaro” in hiragana most likely to indicate her sloppiness, so it’s not a typo.
Thought this was funny because during a Fakku panel at anime expo, hearing NaPaTa(and meeting him one on one ala winning the panel's audience rock paper scissors game) say that his favorite part of a girl was a tight tummy, I thought it was interesting that he drew something about a somewhat flabby one. Twist ending of course but nice regardless.
Opinions may vary as to whether (1) Kana had (for reasons not expounded on in the story) gradually become a parasite, leeching off Kentaro who's either too soft-hearted for his own good, or figured her to be an easy lay in her present state, OR (2) he genuinely cares about her and has decided to support her and even encourage her to get back into society once again.
Last page would suggest Option 2 was the correct answer, but it just goes to show; once again, it's not always just about "T", "A" and "P" here at FAKKU.
(To be fair she's prefect regardless, but still.)
Last Modified Mon Feb 8, 2021, 12:35 am