College freshman Jun happily unites with her favorite senior Momoka at the tennis club, but is devastated when she finds her naked and caressed by the other members. To save her from the sleazy men, Jun agrees to let them use her body instead. The training camp of humiliation begins...
Pretty solid book. Both the artwork, which is amazing, and the story are 10 out of 10. My only real complaint, although perhaps that's too strong of a word, is that the ending to Jun's self-sacrifice didn't really pack the punch i had hoped for.
On a side note, i do hope, for once, that Iroodori will actually issue corrections, as page 69 still has a black bar. I can understand that mistakes can slip through but even when people make them aware, they do nothing.
Just FYI, There's a censor bar on page 69 in the bottom left corner.
Last Modified Thu Jun 23, 2022, 5:41 pm