In a world filled with monsters, goblins typically represent a low-level threat compared to other beasts. However, there is an occasional goblin leader that has abilities far beyond those of his unevolved kin. When a party of adventurers from the kingdom of Southgrand band together to wipe out a nest of gobins, their leader vows to get revenge on the party, even if it's in the next life...
That said, the rest of the premise is essentially initially "forced" but with consent obtained via magic/giving in to pleasure.
He bangs the mage girl and the tan warrior in this one, so if you like those designs, go for it.
(Mage is solo, then warrior is initially solo, before ending with FFM with both of them)
The art is still really good because it's Diletta. You'll just have to deal with non-vanilla for this one. At least it's not all goblins.
Last Modified Mon Dec 9, 2024, 2:00 am