This story is a riff on Osamu Dazai's classic short story, "Hashire, Merosu!" (The title of which is typically rendered in English as "Run, Melos!")
The "running back to try to save her friend" plot element is straight out of Run, Melos, and I assume the Japanese title here was "Haji wo Shire, Merosu!" which is phonetically pretty similar to "Hashire", etc. Very clever.
The "running back to try to save her friend" plot element is straight out of Run, Melos, and I assume the Japanese title here was "Haji wo Shire, Merosu!" which is phonetically pretty similar to "Hashire", etc. Very clever.
Last Modified Thu Dec 5, 2024, 2:34 pm
Last Modified Thu Dec 5, 2024, 11:25 pm