By the powers of the utmost HOLY of HOLYS, my word page 5. It is ineffable, RAW in a word but even then...
I can't quite explain it but "that" experience by all means is a must. Magic with a Hitch.
Before anything, I absolutely LOVE the artstyle here, and I'm always happy to see girls with cute fangs like her.
Still, way too suspicious, huh...But what kind of a protagonist would you be if you didn't check it out?
Great ending, by the way. I always do think that Marriage is a great way to end a Vanilla story, and that won't change.
That amount though...I guess in a sense he traded away his life for the fortune, but that's not such a bad thing considering how it ended up.
You mixed this one up as Lucifer got the aftershave from me for the celebration of the day he tricked Eve. And as a revenge he gave me a ring for my immortality day which can't be pulled off by the wearer and forces you to always tell the truth...
Last Modified Tue Dec 29, 2015, 7:28 pm