Haha yeah she certainly looked like one, huh? But Yuuko's a girl's name so I was like "wait why is a dude named Yuuko is it actually a chick?" until I settled into "maybe Yuuko's a dude and I just don't know Japanese names that well" and then, well, I was wrong.
I think I read this about three times before getting it. Totally misinterpreted what was happening at the end, haha. Don't worry, folks. It's not tagged NTR for a reason.
Wow, I'm surprised by the ending. Gotta saying, nice trick on Yuuko's gender. However, I feel like it's this still as counted NTR. I was actually feeling sad for Yuuko losing someone close to "him". Good reading, though. :)
......Well, I will admit I was pretty damn surprised that Yuuko was a girl. At first, I was kind of dissatisfied with how easily (s)he let her go off with that Tatsumi guy since him and his 'friends' didn't seem like very good news to me, but...she was a girl, huh.
Well, it's been awhile since a twist caught me so off guard, so it was an interesting read.
You know, both of them having good 'ol yuri sex would have also made an interesting story. Two female main characters and not a male one and we still don't get yuri sex? I'm disappointed...
Last Modified Mon Jun 19, 2017, 9:35 pm