At first, I was like, "Honey, are you sure you want to waste your time with a shallow dude like him?" But at least he apologized towards the end - he put his foot back in his mouth right after but he did apologize.
Hmm, well, it's not that I don't get him...I mean, she is kind of unladylike.
But hey, there's not quite much wrong with a tomboy for a girlfriend.
An armpit fetish, though...I knew it existed, not really my kind of thing but I can respect that people like it.
Seriously, such a good dedication to a fetish of mine, and such a sweet story wrapped in chaotic fuckery, wrapped in wonderful artwork! And this chick kinda goes yandere (Naoki may wanna keep an eye on that...) on his ass towards the end if this work wasn't good enough with just the armpit licking and fucking!
Thank you, Ayane!Thank you COMIC X-Eros, thank you Harry, and thank you FAKKU!
Arm pussy for the win