DAYUM! ... once again the ancient saying proves to be true:
"Thou Shalt Break Them with a Rod Of Iron, Thou Shalt Dash Them in pieces like a potter's vessel." - Psalm 2, verse 9 (KJV).
In this case, Naruse's 'kogal' persona was no match for Sensei engaging "Beast Mode", especially if said beast had been poked many times before. The personality change indicated on page 18 suggests she APPROVES when Sensei is more dominant and assertive.
I like that title. Hmm, and of course, she would coincidentally be the girl he met on the dating app.
Great ending though! Ah yes, she did say she wouldn't take orders from a virgin...And I suppose she's making good on that. He is, after all, no longer one! So he fulfilled his duty as a teacher while also being able to have sex with her. How nice.