I get the impression that Ryuu-kun has a complex about his height maybe that’s why he was so much against dating Hitomi-chan since she is taller than him but unfortunately for him the word “no” doesn’t exist for Hitomi.
If Ryuu has a complex, that would be entirely understandable.
Dorozumi emphasizes the height difference in a way that's remarkable,
even for a "tall-girl" chapter. Hitomi positively towers over Ryuu.
Not only is Hitomi much taller than Ryuu, but she seems to be much
stronger, too. She lifts him clear off the floor on pages 6 and 15, and
tops it off on page 19 by hiking him right up into the air, as he spurts
all over her (much to her delight).
On top of all that, she's extremely assertive, too. All those qualities---
her height, strength & assertiveness---are fully displayed on page 14,
when Ryuu almost disappears from view behind Hitomi's big, naked
Amazonian body, as she crowds him against the wall.
Hitomi's physical dominance over Ryuu is so complete
(and so extraordinary) that Dorozumi could have turned
her into a horned oni, without having to change the story
in any other way.
Last Modified Mon Dec 9, 2024, 11:09 am