Rabbits in this manga Page 1: Rabbit next to the shops name indicated by the outside of the shop and menu Page 2: Rabbit on waiters shirt Page 3: Rabbit in between panels Page 5: Rabbit on the shopping bag. Rabbit head on the top right panel on the bottom. Rabbit fridge icons. Rabbit on the ice cream cover + inside cover. Page 6: Rabbit on the water bottle cover Page 16: Rabbit above the bed on left hand corner Page 19: The 'palace' name is Rabbit Heights and has a rabbit picture. On the ground of that bottom left panel, you can see a rabbit as well. Page 20: Rabbit above the bed. Rabbit with hat behind the curtains.
This is, if I'm not mistaken, in all his/her manga's. If you guys enjoy this then I don't mind continuing this for every release going forward?
This time, seems "Art Imitates Life" in the form of a pleasant encounter. Were names changed to "protect the innocent"? You tell us, Momoco-sensei ... you tell us.
I must say their first meeting was kind of cute, in a way. Like, she just took his skewer accidentally and afterwards they got to know each other after sharing some food and drink.
Also for some reason I found the smiley mochi ice-cream kind of cute, the way it almost seemed like it was struggling not to get eaten.
That ending though. It's fine to apologise, I suppose, but the phrase I would expect was something that includes 'take' and 'responsibility'. Also, 'A good memory'? Surely you can't intend for this relationship to end just like that...
It's ironic that the idealized "take responsibility" trope creates an expectation that makes the more realistic notion of one-night-stands seem odd. It shouldn't be surprising considering this was in Tokyo, a place with its fair share of casual promiscuity (as with any densely-populated Westernized locale).
That said, I dig that they were relatively chill afterwards, considering she didn't even remember having sex.
To be fair, it's very much a situation you don't expect to repeat itself after both parties sober up irl. Honestly, totes respect to the author for making me believe these two were "real" people rather than caricatures like we usually get in hentai.
Page 1: Rabbit next to the shops name indicated by the outside of the shop and menu
Page 2: Rabbit on waiters shirt
Page 3: Rabbit in between panels
Page 5: Rabbit on the shopping bag. Rabbit head on the top right panel on the bottom. Rabbit fridge icons. Rabbit on the ice cream cover + inside cover.
Page 6: Rabbit on the water bottle cover
Page 16: Rabbit above the bed on left hand corner
Page 19: The 'palace' name is Rabbit Heights and has a rabbit picture. On the ground of that bottom left panel, you can see a rabbit as well.Â
Page 20: Rabbit above the bed. Rabbit with hat behind the curtains.
This is, if I'm not mistaken, in all his/her manga's. If you guys enjoy this then I don't mind continuing this for every release going forward?
Last Modified Tue Jan 8, 2019, 3:47 am