I think the bunny was a vessel, a prison like the lamp of a D'Jinn and it held within it a cursed spirit who can spirit/body swap whenever someone is near enough to make eye contact. Perhaps this is also triggered by proximity to a sexual act or that the sexual act somehow makes the potential host vulnerable. Perhaps the hapless guy is doomed to remain imprisoned within the bunny as a horrified voyeur/cuck until the spirit has been out a set amount of time or until the new prisoner is able to entrap/ swap with someone else!
Wow this is amazing. I was just thinking about this author yesterday so I checked out their Twitter and saw the preview for this. Logged into Fakku this morning thinking "hmm wonder if it's out yet?" and no way, it was!!!! And it has paizuri in it too! I was actually slightly disappointed in the last one since it didn't have paizuri. What fantastic luck.
Very nice cursed item story. That the boyfriend try to kill her was wrong, but the humilation for him must be hard, when the thing inside the bunny swapped with him and he have to watch she get fucked by it. Very interesting psychological fact in the story.
Reminded me of Stigmatized Property.
Another "cursed item" Iwasaki Yuuki chapter, others being, Spirit Photography, The Girl by the Window.
Last Modified Sun Jan 2, 2022, 2:45 pm