I like how it kind of started with him trying to get her drunk (presumably to take her home), but after seeing how she acts he kind of...Just wanted to go home after escorting her to her house.
Truly an interesting release. Great art, a rather interesting story that kind of puts a smile on your face...I like it.
Great ending though. What a lame ex she must have had, dumping her over something like that. She seems like quite an...interesting girl. Well, at least she has Mr. protagonist here now.
(after eventually regaining composure) I got worried by the bottom of page 1 that Kakizawa had not-so-nice motives for encouraging Kikuchi to "drink her troubles away", but, as it turns out, he ended up 'unleashing the beast' in her; so much that for a while, she dominated him.
Nice twist at the end, when both of them got their heads clear a bit, that they might have enough in common to perhaps become a couple, although better watch out when Kikuchi's "had a few".
"Meek in the streets, freak in the sheets!" ~ Lester B Pearson. â•(๑ ॔ㅂ ਂ ॓)Ùˆ Ì‘Ì‘