Quite the assortment of tags.
Hmm, I almost didn't even notice the ring on her finger. I suppose that's what the cheating tag is there for.
I feel like if that wasn't there, this could have been quite the sweet release, but this is fine too.
Like previous comment said - many years ago I knew a girl who said she wore a ring on her finger to dissuade (putting it politely) would-be suitors (supposedly she was constantly being propositoned).
There is certainly no indication in the story that she would (still) be married, especially seeing how she's proposing to keep up this relationship. Not saying she couldn't be, but she doesn't seem to have any qualms about doing this with him, no guilt or thrill of betrayal (depending on how she would feel about that), so the cheating tag does feel a bit out of place.
A few years too late for the party for this story...Pretty hot tale and tail (her, lol). Probably like others, I read it a couple times to find out why the cheating tag was attached and I actually found out why by myself (finally noticed her wedding ring). i agree with the sentiment that she either just doesn't care about the relationship (which might deserve empathy on her part) or she's just trying to ward off unwanted attention. T'was hot, regardless.