Goddamn. Ronna hitting it out of the park again. I absolutely love their unique style. Between this and Auction Class, I can't help but look forward to the next work.
Dude, I've always wondered why this was such a big deal. Same-blooded siblings in real life I get why people are grossed out by this and I'll admit beyond fiction, I instinctually find it hard to swallow too mostly because I have a little sister and the idea is really farfetched (but I wouldn't call it out if a pair of siblings came out cause frankly it's their life and I have no goddamn say in it), and to a lesser extent I understand if you grew up with a step brother from an extremely young age, it can seem weird as well since even if they're not biologically related, they actually grew up as siblings.
But I actually got in a random argument with some friends over this a while back and it sounds utterly asinine. Their thought was the moment the parents in question get married, it's literally impossible not to look at their relationship as weird/wrong, even if *they* were dating first. The hell is the logic in that? They didn't grow up together and they certainly aren't related. The doings of their parents should have literally no impact on their relationship. "Oh he's my step brother, our parents got married after we met" should invoke no creeped out reactions for any SANE person. "step brother" is a damn legal title at that point.
Kurumi and Tasuku are now step-siblings (family members
with no blood connection). So, after months of seeing incest
chapters incorrectly tagged as "inseki," we finally get a true inseki chapter---and the tag is missing. Aughh!
Haha! So true. Not gonna lie, tagging on this site is definitely left wanting. I feel like they should adopt community tags and leave tagging for the fine details up to the community. Start with a set of tags they feels describes the story as they do now and let us +/- them.
I see she is an “Imouto of Culture!”
Last Modified Fri Nov 26, 2021, 11:52 am