I’m very happy they got to see each other again. My heart couldn’t take it when she cried on pg 5. I can’t do another Memorial Flower Garden by Fujimaru.
Darn. Aki-senpai is so cute. I NEED A SEQUEL. They continue seeing each other. He trains hard in go. Romantic tension rises. A year later, he goes to her place and plays a game. She intentionally blunders. He sees it and goes for it. Happy ending!!
More Regudeku is always appreciated and I’ve been craving a senpai-kouhai story. Hopefully the end means that MC better kick her ass so he can take her hand.
Hmm...Well, I mean, he didn't exactly win in their game of go, but he won her heart instead. So, yeah, I'd call that a solid victory.
That ending though. Her, uh, wording kind of worries me a little, it's almost as if she's saying she'll consider it if they do beat her. But hey, my man, maybe that's a sign for you.
Train hard in the art of go, and one day when you finally manage to beat her...Well, I think that'd be the perfect time to break out a ring and make her your wife, yes?
Even if as it's hinted she rejects any prospective suitors who have no interest in GO, You'd Better Do Your Best, Amamoto-kun to permanently catch up with Aki-san ... you Lucky Bastard (GRR)!
Another one from Regudeku-sensei that's ..... "APPROVED!"
Step two- wife her right after