"DAYUM!" ... Yoshida-san managed to "unleash the beast" in Sakura-san (cool beauty with a hint of tsundere) ..... LIKE A BOSS! And it seemed to have a reciprocal effect of (albeit temporarily) rejuvenating his "Mojo".
In The End, theirs is Truly A Match Made In Hentai ... and it's APPROVED!
Can’t really believe he got the limited time pachimon I tried to get my hands on in vain...
And as always the little guide for glasses girl lovers: She doesn’t put them down. 26 pages of glasses staying on greatness!
That's an interesting title.
Also, always nice to see a Vanilla Tsundere combination!
I found his reaction to her wanting to go to the hotel rather interesting. Of course he would think it's just a joke, but clearly, it wasn't.
Also, when she admitted that she loved him, she was really cute. And I'm sure he agrees, considering his response afterwards.
Great ending though. Yeah, my friend, you have to take responsibility for what you say!