Welcome to Harem Academy Fuckademia, a school where students can have as much uninhibited sex as they want for the sole purpose of raising the dwindling birth rate!
With great color visuals, and some sexy action, Navier Haruka delivers a great, spicy doujin, yet again! A great introduction to their style! Highly recommend!
Yes everyone, it's the Navier experience but in FULL COLOR. The price tag is a bit more by a larger margin, but if you love Naviers work you'll be missing out if you don't pick it up.
I'm all for a Navier doujin and the added color was very nice, but overall it was just a good read compared to some of the great ones released on this site. Would still recommend.
Basically the same thing this artist always does, just a different setting. Not saying that makes it bad, but I don't feel like some of the other scenarios are done, but yet another one is started.
This is an essential purchase for Navier Haruka 2T fans.
Any fans of cute characters, with enormous breasts stuffed into outfits so skimpy they would almost be foolish if they weren't so damn sexy, are highly advised to pick this up.