Ah, a sequel! I remember wanting to see more of this after the previous chapter, so I'm definitely really happy to see this.
"Suddenly this turned into a threesome, I guess I should thank my lucky stars"? AT least he realises how lucky he is and appreciates it...
Hmm, so we got a new character in this sequel, and that ending seems to be teasing another one for Part 3? Nice...Definitely can't wait for the next chapter.
"This fall" why do I have to wait for everything, borderlands 3, Rick and morty season 4, pokemon, and now this!? Everything that looks amazing is so far away.
Not a great fan of the new character after all this wait... I wanted more of remi! And comparing them ... remi is like over 9000 and shion more like 69 :p
Ohhh - Kayyyyy ..... whether he wants to or not, male protag-kun has unlocked the harem route; first - an older female student council member who's (cough-cough) "yuri-licious" for Rem, and second - seems an older woman (teacher, perhaps) started feeling "a disturbance in the Force" (say-no-more, say-no-more).
Guess one must wait for Fall for the next issue ..... carry on, then.