Yeah. I've(regrettably) known some people who are fucking sociopaths that can't accept the real person behind the image/mask/persona/nani the fuck you wanna call it.
To say that they either need mental help or a bullet to the head is an understatement.
You're completely reading the situation wrong. The issue in those kind of stories isn't that the idol isn't human, it's that she is completely different than what she presents herself to be. This girl is different because she faithfully fulfilled the role of an idol. She kept herself pure and didn't persue sexual relations until after she formally quit. It's for that key reason the guy is perfectly fine with her pursing sex now though he would probably be extremely upset if she was still an idol.
This reminds me (and stay with me here) of something both Alan Watts and Dan Dennet have brought up in their philosophy writing: borders are often less hard fast lines and more grey areas where things meet.
Is this Vanilla? I don't know. It's not absolute lovey dovey, but it isn't sleazy AF. I could see it with or without the tag and see either as right.
I do like the bit at the meet up. She can stop, but her fame was just big enough that it'll remain a factor.
Reference to USA☆Pyon is giving me some Youkai Watch flashbacks.
Also, not quite there yet, but I'm getting strong vibes of one of the more-rare hentai archetypes, the male yandere.
If this gets a sequel, it can go so many ways. My sentimental heart hopes she finds out he was a super nerd for him in her idol days who busted his but to become her ideal type. But, more oft than not, I expect this kinda story to go the obsessively dark route...
It's not vanilla but it's not forced or rape or worse. He was a bit too aggressive in bed & slightly sociopathic but he didn't force himself on her & genuinely likes her as an idol & a person.
I'm feeling 'Twilight Zone' vibes off this story. Will go through it again and if need be update my comment, later. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
EDIT: Second Time Around: FMC apparently stuck in position she no longer wants; that of an underground idol. Encounters a possible chance. Turns out MC is just as much a nerd as the mass majority of her fandom; only he does make some effort to see that there's a real girl behind the facade.
To say that they either need mental help or a bullet to the head is an understatement.