The setup and follow through is perfect. Stern unflinching wife being bamboozled by a pervy manipulative delinquent as the husband watches. I love a strong woman but when they give in/break is 🤌 The bull blows her back out and the cucks mind as their newfound interest in cheating sex is unleashed.
Dozamura knows how to write/draw an excellent NTR and my favorite pages are the panels with the cheating couple on one side while the husband is on the other.
Looking forward to the next work and as always thanks for the two separate tan / not tan options!
That being said, the art style kinda reminds me of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
As far as my review, ALL of that was rape, which is bad. However, if our MC confronts her about it, and they end up with an agreement that polygamy is good for them, or at least having sex friends on the side, then there's no reason their relationship can't continue strongly.
Also, wife-san is sexy af. More sexy tanned vs not, imo, but still sexy af.
Nothing new under the sun here, but the familiar material is done with great skill by Dozamura which should make this a worthwhile purchase for fans of the genre.
The art is amazing and the husband reaction to hearing his wife is wonderful, but the whole drugged and raped thing is a major turn off for me personally.
Dozamura knows how to write/draw an excellent NTR and my favorite pages are the panels with the cheating couple on one side while the husband is on the other.
Looking forward to the next work and as always thanks for the two separate tan / not tan options!
Last Modified Mon Nov 21, 2022, 12:59 am