This work in particular has some really fantastic artwork. Maybe I'm biased because this one is a fresh release but the concepts in this one really struck me. The girl makes so many different faces and I love every one of them.
...I do quite like that title.
Lacing one's sperm with an aphrodisiac, though? That's just...amazing, as expected of a ninja, I suppose.
A tale for another day, huh? I'd definitely like to see that, though.
GOD DAMMIT! This title totally works for the English OP of Sailor Moon. "Pregnanant Ninja by Moonlight. Winning love by daylight." I'll never remember that song the same way ever again.
Not all of the great artists are in one spot. There are great mangaka out there that definitely aren't going to end up on FAKKU as it stands. But Wani does have access to quite a few of them (though I don't know how much of that is exclusive), and it's great to see their work here.