Damn that was a sexy little vanilla chapter! Always love it when the cute best friend wins!
Yamanashi is such a cutie. The correct response to page 12 is page 13 ❤
Without someone like Noda to keep her on the straight & narrow, Yamanashi
would likely become a full-blown porn star---not because she's immoral, but
simply because she's lazy, fun-loving, and more than a little exhibitionistic.
And following the Spontaneous Sex-plosion that took place after they both revealed their feelings for each other, yet another self-made porn video star retired. Cue "weeping and gnashing of teeth" by her followers (probably some of them growled: "N-kun, you Lucky Bastard ... GRR!").
An absurd request? No more absurd that other things that happen in Hentai, I assure you.
Also, quite the confession they gave each other...Not the best mood or timing, perhaps, but hey, it works quite well.