Netorare, not Netori. Husband is MC and wife gets stolen from him. Would be Netori if the other guy was MC, but everything clearly happens from husband's perspective.
Yes, it both Netorase and Netorare since it from husband perspective and the last page he start to realized his wife is not his anymore and feel guilty for himself.
For some reasons, this NTR is fine to read for me and some chapters also fine. Or just I start to handle this stuff as normal pron material. I don’t know.
Well that's an interesting title.
How did it become like that, huh...Well, after you started relying on him a lil too much, I guess? After that...It just spiralled out of control, I suppose.
I'd feel bad for the guy, but in the end, I guess the reason he didn't seem to really do anything about the situation was because he was has a cuckold fetish.
That ending though. When he brought up the title word, I must admit, it was rather effective...
Not that anyone cares...
For some reasons, this NTR is fine to read for me and some chapters also fine. Or just I start to handle this stuff as normal pron material. I don’t know.
Last Modified Sat Jul 28, 2018, 12:17 am