I like her headphones! Why don’t they just sell massproduced copies of her headphones? By the way: For once the ugly dude gets a taste of his own medicine! And funny enough I also made the †ždoesn’t know why his butt hurts“ joke this week in the comments of one of the stories. Funny coincidence...
Hah, the boss is quite the character. I like how he so nonchalantly mentioned that he sold a video of the bloopers and it sold super well.
Also...Wow, I think being able to freeze a specific person's time might actually offer a lot of utility compared to just stopping all of time.
Great ending though! Ah yes, it's nice to see him get a little taste of his own medicine...He went from profiting off them to...being profited off of by them.
I always love these ecchi/non-h releases, they always have a really interesting premise/story.
By the way: For once the ugly dude gets a taste of his own medicine! And funny enough I also made the †ždoesn’t know why his butt hurts“ joke this week in the comments of one of the stories. Funny coincidence...
Last Modified Fri May 31, 2019, 3:17 pm