I like that the dude recognized he was a quickshot but kept going to satisfy her. Also, this author doesn't seem to do sequels, but I think we need one for this.
Kenken is such a lucky little doggie! I know the final page said “End” and Juhachi isn’t known for sequels but holy shit! If we don’t at minimum get a four way chapter down the line including Mitsuki (the wolf-cut, black haired girl) I think we’re missing out on some prime hentai real-estate!
Speaking of which: Shinomiya going from hard as bully to sweet little thing who loves penis was such a masterful heel-turn it beggars belief. Man, if we don’t get more from this scenario it’s practically a crime IMO. Just… wow.
Perhaps it's due to months (if not years) of how he lived his life up to this point that MC's low self-esteem allowed him to be set upon as he was by the school's Heavenly Queens (or more bluntly, Rich B_tches).
Still, due to his impromptu makeover and his gradual coming out of his shell, I wouldn't mimd seeing "Ken-Ken" turning these Queens (possibly, Hinomiya-san has already been "conquered" by his Tower Of Power) into his Harem Possé.
It Would Be Most Excellent (and upgrade his status from "Pet" to "Lucky Bastard")!
This chapter's premise is so "juicy," packed with so much
untapped erotic potential, that it's practically begging for
a sequel, especially since the story ends rather abruptly,
with a sexy cliffhanger.
Besides, group sex is a Yamaishi Juhachi specialty, so I'll be surprised
if he doesn't give us more adventures involving Kenken and his harem.
This chapter hits all the marks for a entertaining and still sexy hentai chapter.
Last Modified Sun Oct 20, 2024, 11:05 pm