I am thinking of something quite different. I was discussing with my friends on how marriages break down because the fairer sex files for a divorce or runs away with another partner at the drop of a hat.
The conclusion we came to in order to save marriages, was to lock up the wife in a basement or in this case, the room. And lo and behold, I came across this comic where the female lead locks herself in her room for 3 full years!
That happens faster than you may think. At first you read a nice chapter and you're like "That was a pretty nice read, I would like to know what happens nex to the main characters", but before you know you'll start to write your own little stories with the characters and post "I want a sequel" under every story you read or try to contact the artist...
I must find a cure! Or I could re-read all of Homonculus' and NaPaTa's chapters and books and wish for a sequel for all of them, whilst huddled in a corner rocking back and forth.
I'm having a "Writer's Wednesday", and this is the kind of "feels"-touching, thought-provoking complexity I LOVE from stories. And it's so subtle! Show not tell! I must express! So forgive me, this will be long:
I wonder...obviously he can relate to what she's been through, and he feels comfort in having somebody accept him. The same goes for her. He must also realize that she's very lonely and desperate for attention...ultimately it must feel like they are in the same boat and to him this relationship is one of pure convenience, tho surely he must appreciate her for being a form of resolution for his conflicts. I wonder if the girl is not confusing that with true love herself. I’m just judging based on the use of quotations in the guy’s thoughts on page 16, but I take it the guy most likely considers this possibility as the factual truth.
Thing is, to me, love is more of a journey than just a feeling. I think it starts and continues as mutual benefit, certain traits of the one you love are desirable because they reflect what's in your own heart and mind: your beliefs. You also, as all humans, wish to have your desires fulfilled, and the attraction to these traits is there because you believe having said person in your life will go a long way towards that goal. This includes the desire for "balance", which is important for pretty much everything, beyond just love. In other words, love is about seeking out completion and betterment; and to me, "true" love is about establishing that connection, using it to develop one another, and in that process you create something unique that is 100% dependent upon, and is a result of, this special union. It takes a life of its own, now it's: "we" that you believe in, "us" that you desire, "the relationship" that motivates your actions. Shared experience is a must. Eventually the connection that began as egos profiting off each other, has evolved into belief fulfillment, then true appreciation, and finally you see them as literally your other half...which would be accurate, and you care for them as you would care for yourself, because together you are whole. The "journey of love" is the journey towards "oneness". I find this all to be very, incredibly beautiful.
I could write a book on this topic, but my point is: lasting, loving relationships have been built on far less than what these two have together. They offer each other healing comfort, satisfy burning desires for affection, acceptance, understanding, intimacy, and yes—lust (which in no way opposes or diminishes love if handled well…in fact it just adds to it). The guy even says it himself: “this is the only place where I truly belong”. He feels at home with her; that’s significant. She makes him feel “whole”; a combination of familiarity and fulfillment. The title of this story is very apt. Maybe right now it’s a mere “convenience”, and even a danger of codependency…but I think the potential for a healthy "more" is there…and I find myself agreeing with EddieB.B.’s comment about the guy “belting up”. With the exception of if it turns out the two of them really just don’t mix as actual people. Like, if there is no attraction of actual person, shit ain’t gonna work yo. But I think it'd be well worth the effort, and I believe the guy may now be realizing this. Truly, the ending of this just sings of "hope" to me, and I admit to liking the tune.
Heh, and now it seems that I too have caught this mysterious “Sequelitus” disease, because I’m craving a sequel…I could live without one…but I so do want one.
Pretty vanilla if you ask me. It's not cut and dry like most, but you have 2 characters that feel like they belong with each other. That's what I got from the ending.
It's probably not that he's unsure of his feelings. I got the feeling that he knows he loves her (otherwise he wouldn't be so dedicated) but feels that her love comes from loneliness and desperation.
Everything about this is touching: the girl's desperate love, the boy's unsureness of his feelings, yet they are the other's everything in their "small world".
Only lacking thing this story is the little amount of sex.
...Well, he never replies to her confessions of love, and he even acknowledges that perhaps his feelings of 'love' are different, huh.
A bit complex, I think, the emotions on display here, but intriguing. I hope that one day he can perhaps respond positively to her affection.
The conclusion we came to in order to save marriages, was to lock up the wife in a basement or in this case, the room. And lo and behold, I came across this comic where the female lead locks herself in her room for 3 full years!
#lockyourwifeup #thiswillendinahappymarriage #pleasedownvotethis
Last Modified Thu Dec 1, 2016, 10:27 am