In a world where succubi and humans live in harmony, Japan remains to be the sole haven where these devilish vixens continue their practice through active prostitution. As our main character is about to find out, sex with, not one, but TWO succubi is far more than any one man can handle. Be it through the power of their aphrodisiac laced saliva or the boner-inducing pheromones from their orifices, succubi Yumi and Ayuka literally deliver the goods in an unforgettable threesome.
I'm very happy to be able to publish a doujinshi in English for the first time. I think I'm very fortunate to have the opportunity to have not just Japanese readers, but readers from overseas as well. I'm very interested to know how westerners will react to my work, so I'm quite looking forward to your thoughts and reactions!
Please keep up the great work.