...Well that's quite an interesting relationship indeed. They're both M, but they're hoping for an S partner. So they're both trying hard for each other to be an S for their M loving nature...Made for quite an interesting read, I admit.
I'm not even a fan of S&M, but this was almost vanilla in the way they loved each other enough to go out of their comfort zone to please their partner.
I just noticed that even the names of the main characters are a reflection of their personality, OoSADO and SADOshima. I love it!
Anyway, I've really taken a liking to women being called sows, so when the president called the vice-president that, I totally lost it. I can't wait until FAKKU publishes more from this artist! I've added him/her to my favorites list.
Having your masochism played is a wonderful thing, but it is still less sweet than satisfying the masochistic needs of your significant other. It is when two maso lovers mutually devote themselves to pleasing the other person will true euphoria be achieved.