Well, Sex and an orgy is like being part of nature too...I...Guess?
I'm not sure bringing that picture in to a...job interview is the best idea ever, but considering it's Hentai, I wouldn't be surprised at all if it somehow allowed her to get the job.
What human beings should strive towards, huh...Orgies in nature?
Page 15 perfectly captures the highly-charged atmosphere of group
sex in the dark, when you can only hear what's going on around you.
That's intensely exciting, so it's no surprise when Mashiro's inhibitions
and reservations start melting away.
In the background on page 9, panel 4, there's a glimpse of nudity and a hint
of erotic activity, which quietly reveals the true purpose of the "Nature Club"
to the reader before Mashiro catches on. It's very cinematic---a clever bit of
graphic storytelling.
Last Modified Tue Jun 15, 2021, 1:22 am