What happens when you genderbend close friends with a magic smartphone app? A lot of sexy shenanigans! And it's all fun and games until you run out of premium currency and the local whale genderbends you...
Just a heads up, there is some mind control/mind break type stuff here. It isn't just "sex change then bang", it is "change everything about them physically and mentally, then screw your mind controlled servants". That might not really come across in the tags, so I wanted to post that here.
The whole concept of capturing and then transforming people both physically and mentally kinda weird, and it has kinda rape-y implications, but otherwise it was a decent time. Has an ending that sorta left me a bit unsure of what actually transpired, which I guess means it was well executed. Not sure what else to say about it without spoiling the actual story.
this is really great. has a lot of the best aspects of genderbend and two chapters in this story, both very hot. it has a lot of humiliation in it, which is my favorite in this genre. thanks, all involved!