2 cents: While the MC is aggressive and perhaps selfish, he doesn't outright lie to her. He knows she wants his honest feelings but even at the end he decides to defer, as opposed to faking just to get what he wants. Maybe the girl knows this to some extent, as he refused to answer her twice but she still went along with it. Anyway, not everyone is interested in that kind of relationship. Not every hentai manga needs to end in perfect harmony. Variety is a healthy thing and I appreciate having it. Tbh I don't find it negative at all. It just didn't have the standard happy ending.
I wouldn't even necessarily say he's not interested or doesn't have feelings for her. The way he puts it in his thoughts, he just doesn't want to say it at a time where it would look like he's doing so just to get her to dress up again.
I dunno, how many lovey dovey vanilla childhood friends mangas does somebody need? I would wager they are by far the most common scenario on this website.
...You'll...Think about it?
What kind of protagonist is this? She's virtually perfect, willing to listen to just about anything you say, is pretty damn cute, and you even said to yourself she's a softie and thus easy to manipulate!
Just say yes, damn it. She's more than you deserve but since she loves you just go and make her happy, man...
Last Modified Wed Jan 11, 2017, 11:22 am