The following entry has little to do with love or fairy tales. It has a lot to do with parodying and lampooning a writing event that is about love and fairy tales:
a) What comes into your mind when you look at your calendar only to find that today is the 14th of February? I can't read minds but if you are living in the West (sans Australasia), chances are it would be the 15th of February from where I come from. While others are celebrating this accursed festival of romance, a concept that is a vaguely defined, supposedly hormone driven, clouds what could otherwise be good judgement and potentially ruinous, I find it near impossible to celebrate that day.
The 15th of February marks a God-forsaken event that would be known to be one of the darkest events in history when a foreign invader decided to set up shop on my territory. What followed was an orgy of rape, pillage, economic devastation and endemic malnutrition. It was an occupation that can only be described as tyrannical rule if one were to be lenient. I am of course referring to the hypothetical scenario if I let these silly feelings of romance get the better of me and end up with a woman that would ruin the lives of me and many others.
Since I, leonard267, am the host of this event, this writing event will be extremely normal, never mind that many in this forum have in my opinion strange expectations of what constitutes as 'normal'.
b) Therefore, the theme of this year's Valentine event will be
'normalcy'. Normalcy refers to the feelings of megalomania coupled with the feelings of inadequacy, a constant state of anger and frustration, an irrational hatred towards romance and the young and the idealistic, a near fetish towards the old and the cynical, lack of appreciation of beautiful prose and symbolic work and a love for direct, concise and easy to comprehend essays. Quite normal, wouldn't you agree?
Allow me to state what my expectations are of normal writing. The details are in this spoiler:
How to Write
Like Leonard267 Normally
1. Be utterly verbose. Use overly long sentences that string together many ideas at once. Never mind that the end product is difficult to read. Eg: However, the drunk people in the bar being drunk, begun stripping my clothes off in some bizarre dance sequence that involves poles and scantily clad women who are very poor candidates for lifelong partners.
2. Lots of explanations and justifications. However, they must not adhere to logic. Eg: Margaret Thatcher and I may not be human... Yet, just as I was entertaining the possibility that I would become a female Prime Minister, get backstabbed... (How does sharing a similarity with a female Prime Minister result in me becoming one?)
3. Contain references that only you can understand. Eg: It was rather obvious that these feelings of unhappiness have mutated into a desire for
war on Earth and ill will to all mankind.
4. Referencing obscure references through the use of links. Eg: I was told by
some section of an online forum that I need to mingle with more people.
5. Repetition. Eg:
My thoughts turned to whether they were given a fuel allowance to tide the cold of the winter.
My thoughts also turned to whether their homes have central heating in the first place.
6. Colourful and bright fonts. Eg:
7. Random tone shifts that confuse the poor reader. Eg: They were nonetheless happy, even though they risk sending themselves to the gates of Hades by doing it at such an advanced age. Yet, more importantly, I am not happy.
8. Be annoyingly self aware.
Eg: Here are some responses to the people who read what I have written:
Some Person wrote...
And again, as usual with your works (sic), I found it to be whiny.
Some Other Person wrote...
You sound whiny.
Here is what I have written: Those people who had to suffer what I had written about the summer, which was described as a meandering and whiny weblog entry by someone who had the misfortune to go through it.
9. Tease the reader with some semblance of logic, tease the reader with some expectations only to write something utterly ludicrous as a punchline.
Eg: I am known in this corner of cyberspace as leonard267. I am young, impressionable, optimistic, full of youthful vigour and
I am lying.
10. No swear words and the use of euphemisms. Eg:
To the onlooker, their romp would be far off the mark so to speak. It would be marked by poor or unlucky performance so to speak, due to the loss of their rigour of youth over the years. Had they been doing it with someone else, he or she or not-quite-he-or-she or it would lament that they were not not prepared or suitably warmed up so to speak.
11. Crazed rambling made possible through feelings of anger and frustration that makes one prone to complaining. Eg: PRETTY MUCH WHATEVER I WRITE!
Do remember to tag the title of your entry with the words
[I Love leonard267's Writing] and provide the link to your entry in this thread. Doing so will inflate my already bloated ego. An example of an acceptable title is shown below:
[I Love leonard267's Writing] Title of the Entry Being I Really Love leonard267's Writing.
c) Do ask for others to correct your grammatical errors and ask other people to whine and moan excessively about your entry for this writing event! It will happen whether you like it or not, especially if a user called leonard267 is plaguing the Writing Section with his presence.
Q : Can I submit multiple entries?
A : Yes. Don't expect me to read it.
Q : How about lemons (erotic stories) and other stories depicting sexual depravity that would in all likelihood threaten human civilisation as we know it? Can we write them?
A : Yes. Don't expect me to read it. Expect me to cyberstalk you and flood your message box with written rebukes.
Q : Can I submit a poem, essay, narration, etc. rather than a story?
A : Yes. Don't expect me to read it. I will make you read my compendium of fine works instead.
Q : Can we submit fanfiction or our old works that have something to do with the theme?
A : Yes! Of course! I would read it! Anyone who is against fanfiction or completed work has a bone in his brain. Don't they know that the acts of writing fanfiction and copying and pasting take real effort?!
Q : How about the word limit?
A : There is no word limit. If you come up with a 10^5 - 10^6 word novel, don't expect me or any living soul on this plane of existence to read it.
Q: Will there be judging?
A: Of course there will be judging! I will be flooding your entries with my unbiased and impartial remarks! I would also expect like minded people to do the same. If you are asking if there would be any judges though, they won't be any. leonard267 is a lazy oaf.
e) The contest will end at
1st April 20XX (UTC +8.00) 2359hrs, April Fools. This is an apt metaphor of how any romance would end -- as a joke.
About the Prizes
This writing event is an exercise whereby the contest organisers have their egos stroked! Why on earth would they want to spend so much money on prizes that many in the Far East can't import (and for very good reason as well) into their borders?!
In summary: Prizes?! What prizes?!
List of Entrants and their Submissions
(Added by a sane person who is so obviously not leonard267)