This was incredibly hot.
7 years ago
What made me buy this book was the previous chapter, Yuna at the Beach. Now I know what I was missing out on.
*cough* yes.
Let me keep my hopes up.
I'm always pale. I'm English.
This was very enjoyable and I liked how it ended.
I'm not going to say what I normally do, cause I'm slowly recovering from sequelitus and I don't want my health to fail me.
7 years ago
A Tama sensei chapter? And vanilla too? Sign me up!
Genryuusai, be careful, sequelitus is a potent affliction. It has taken many brave souls.

Last Modified Thu Dec 8, 2016, 12:08 pm

I will be reborn again each and every time a sequel comes out. Sequelitus isn't stopping me.
An Akinosora chapter? I died again and went to heaven.
I don't know what you mean good sir.
A new Kedama-sensei chapter. This was more than enough to raise me from the dead.
Thank you my friend.
It's fine, GHoE has me covered.
It's airbourne!

Last Modified Sun Dec 4, 2016, 6:44 am

My only regret is that I couldn't see Hajirai Break in all its gloriousness.
*violently coughs* sequel *coughs blood and dies*
7 years ago
That's the problem. It never stops.
7 years ago
I've followed Satsuki-sensei for a while on Pixiv so I'm happy that I can finally read an official translation of their work.

Last Modified Fri Dec 2, 2016, 1:28 pm

7 years ago
God damn it Hentai! You're not supposed to make me feel!
Monster Girl
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