RandomRedneck wrote...
Episode 12.
I have decided something after this episode. I hate Kotoura.
This kids self blaming, never anyone else' fault, paragon of virtue bullshit is irritating as fuck. As expected, years of abandonment are forgiven in a few brief moments. Oh, and of course, Kotoura blames herself for it, cause she couldn't read what was under the surface. Goddamn, this show pisses me off. You drop the kid off on someones fucking doorstep, tell them they should never be born, and all is forgiven cause you felt sorry a few moments after? If you really felt sorry you fucking cunt, you'd have gone back the next fucking DAY, and got on your goddamn knees to BEG for your kids fucking forgiveness. But no, she gets it after a pillowfight, saying sorry in her sleep, and bad eggs.
Fuck this show, fuck Kotoura, fuck her mom.
I disagree with you a bit, the mother knew she wasn't strong enough to raise Kotura properly. Could have feared even turning on Kotura worst than she acted (yes, I believe it was an act, because a second later she regretted it but kept pretending otherwise). She was weak, she did run away from the problem (which is bad), but considering her conviction was that weak (to Kotura), it would have done more harm to both to have her raise Kotura. "Sometimes people need time apart", is what I would go with, so that the mother could get her act together.
Kotura gets subtle hints towards from both the beach and the restaurant events that her mother cared for her.
There was nothing for Kotura to "forgive" because she never harbored (if my memory serves) those kinds of feelings for her mother. She never hated her mother for abandoning her, Kotura felt it was her fault that it happened, that the mother was in complete right to do what she did.
It's rather well established that Kotura has a "guilt complex", as one who has one as well, I can see her line of thinking rather... believable. Even the premise of why it's established makes sense. As such, when problems arise, one would often look for any reason to find that it's there own fault. Which Kotura did consistently well throughout the anime. Not that it's a justifiable choice, but an understandable given her character.
I think the message "it's your fault for not seeing past actions made" is conveyed when "you should always try and look past the actions made, to find the true intent behind, to truly understand" should have been.
Ultimately, as bad as their choices were, they are actively trying to make up for them, and I think that's better than ignoring them and pretending like nothings wrong. The mother is late, but at least she came back, that she is trying one more time, as well, Kotura is wiser and stronger now. "If" they had stayed together would anything had change for the better? Nothing would have changed in either character, they wouldn't have grown at all without that time apart, is what I think.
This final episode made me forget the last episode while I watched, so I can get over the episode 11 as a "Hollywood" happy-go-lucky ending. I enjoyed this, gave me closer, was not perfect, but I can walk away liking the show now though.