Quite surprisingly, I don’t find these changes to be as toloveru-some as I probably would have made a big deal out of it back then. I’ve always believed that I can do everything I want around that area (while being lawful) and this kind of adjustment just makes it even a lot easier—now for everyone.
Honestly, everything’s fine the way it was except for one. User-participation. You just don’t often see a handful of users partake of whatever discussion that’s been intended in a particular series’ topic. A matter which I in fact doubt will ever be resolved -- with the whole point being that the real issue of concern here is completely user-related than it ever was forum-related. And just so you know in case you haven't encountered someone who dared PM both old and new users alike just to encourage them into sharing their opinions and joining in on the talks concerning some of the series they're currently following, promoting the specific anime section altogether; you now have.
Jacob wrote...
I feel that this would make things a lot less confusing for new users.
Isn’t it the nature of things that freshmen must first learn to adapt to their new surroundings? Why should the elders/oldfags be the ones to adjust? Heck, if all new users should be allowed early on to have it their way, just how can you expect them to ever know anything "your-way" later on? These changes, the way I see it, would only benefit idiots and certainly not those aforementioned sections nor fakku! as a whole.
Jacob wrote...
Hopefully this will result in (more/)better posts.
Wait, don’t we already have Animesuki for that?
Heads-up! I for one surely wouldn’t change my posting-ways. Ban me as you see fit but you cannot expect me to post in "Xerox-topics" that I deem to be utterly
unsanitary unnecessary.
PS: I can't even imagine everyone creating a single thread for each and every single episode of a series they’ve seen which may or may not even get a reply at all. Actually, I did just that as a newb thus I realized how pointless doing all that was -- unless of course the topic you make is of either a really popular or a really dumb series, or both. Because apparently, no one cares about an intellectually good/entertaining series here in fakku!