Ignoring Azuki...
-He starts pursuing the blonde only wanting his facade back.
-Becomes concern with how shes pushing herself to look like an heiress.
-Wants to show her being normal is fine too.
-Things turn worst and he realizes why she does what she does.
-Wants her to open her heart up, to understand shes not alone and that he want to be their for her, as a friend.
-On the final confrontation he tells her "I can't leave you alone". (Source of reference: Rori subs)
-Ignoring that he didn't pick up on her hints, that she wanted him to come with her.
-I'll also ignore that during this trip he didn't try contacting her once.
-The first time she tries contacting him, he decides that shes not important enough over his need to talk to someone that he is literally living adjacent too, for something that could wait. Couldn't even spare answering his cell to state he is busy and that he'll call her back when he's done.
(If you still don't get that this is the major thing that annoys me then really don't bother... With maybe 1 or 2 exceptions out of 30+ rom-com examples, I have rarely seen such inconsiderate rom-com protagonist.)
Tsukiko and Azuki carrying relationship...
-If it wasn't for Tsukiko's wish that destroyed his house, their relationship would have continued to die. He could have taken the initiative to keep the relationship alive, but he let it slowly die till circumstances left him with no other choice but to initiate.
-If it wasn't for Azuki's second call, he would still be ignoring her.
How many harem mains are "liars"? How many are so inconsistent and random, lacking forethought or contemplation? He literally lies without thinking, and afterwards completely forgets his lies.
-Tell's Tsukushi to seduce his 'little brother' (without any need too), knowing she is naive enough to do it.
-Surprises him when she does attempt to.
-Becomes put off and irritated, when she becomes more persistent, without ever actually rejecting her or her actions.
-Becomes offended and preachy (about a girls place/what girls should and shouldn't say), when she becomes confused and ask him why he doesn't want to "bend her body". (Source of Reference: Rori subs)
Fanservice is one thing, the character they craft in their pursuit to create fan service, I don't like. Their are plenty of other Harem mains I don't like, most of them to be honest, but this one seriously irks me. In other harem cases the blank slates respond to their harems, he ignores them. As well, he is completely blind sided by the disasters he, himself, constructs.
Clear? I posted to rant ("bitch and moan"), and really wanted to get it out to get over it. I know I am not the best writer and I am working on improving, but this nor the other post were meant to be papers. Though if you have complaints, corrections would be a whole lot more helpful than insults. And sorry if my rant is still not clear enough for you... Ya I know, I also didn't write out the second point (comfort at risk) but I'm getting tired of this, in the end you'll most likely just read what you want and my efforts to go this far (for a rant) will be futile... So I no longer see any point in continuing.