Plot: The story revolves around Mahiro Fuwa, a teenager whose family was mysteriously murdered one year before and his friend Yoshino Takigawa. Mahiro is contacted by Hakaze Kusaribe, the leader of the Kusaribe clan who was left stranded on an unknown desert island by her followers, and agrees to help Hakaze in exchange of her help to find out the culprit for the death of his family. Upon learning of his friend's intentions, Yoshino joins him on his quest to stand against the Kusaribe clan who intends to awake the "Tree of Zetsuen" whose power can bring ruin to the entire world.
as the person above me said it was an ok first episode but I got to say I love the manga and this does not feel like a good first episode compared to it, Mahiro feels way overkill in the anime and Yoshino looks like he is panicking compared to his very calm manga version, but I guess we will see if it get any better's a show with uh.. gai and uh.. that MC from guilty crown? both of them are on the extremes with their supposed nature. Too aggressive and too passive. they're a bit rigid but we'll see.
anyway, it's on my list since... well.. the story isn't overflowing with fan service(yet) so it's still good to watch.
Seems like Yoshino could have just gunned her down on the spot. I mean, she was right there. Maybe he has a plan or something. And Mahrio...that dude is a little off his nut. Either that, or he's just suicidally overconfident in his abilities.
Man, the fights in this show are boss. Who knew fighting with a lead pipe could be so awesome. Real slick thinking to use the helicopter missiles against Spear Boy there. And...there's a hole in that mountain...damn.
So, that's how that mountain got that gigantic chunk taken out of it...damn. One little doodad and her tongue, and Hakaze can wreck some shit. No wonder Samon exiled her like that. Hell, he looked about ready to piss his pants inside that magic bubble. Can't blame him really. And...plot twist. Hakaze is apparently dead already...I'm confused.
What the heck? Hakase's dead, but not dead? What the fuck?
Badass Hakaze is badass, destroying nearly a mountain with a little piece and a tongue.
I still don't quite get the Hakaze thing. She's dead, but she isn't dead? Something about violating logic or something...too much thinking required for my taste. And the whole "Stepsister hitting on stepbrother" thing...that's a wee bit creepy.
I still don't quite get the Hakaze thing. She's dead, but she isn't dead? Something about violating logic or something...too much thinking required for my taste. And the whole "Stepsister hitting on stepbrother" thing...that's a wee bit creepy.
Ever hear the saying "men and women can not be platonic friends." Its not that surprising such a thing would arise. At one point boys have romantic feelings for there mothers as do daughters for fathers. Its called a Oedipus complex. Its hard to create a family relationship with another, especially hard considering he's going through puberty. If he views her, as a woman, as the man he's becoming, its not surprising that the only female he opens up too, that the only female he associates the most time with, would end up becoming more to him.
As for the sister it's the same case. She probably had developed feelings for him, and realized it. Hesitating she was probably gauging how far the brother realized his.