HiroyukiShota wrote...
And thus it ends...fer now...
For an anime that i thought to be some regular fan service anime, it really shaped itself to become one of better crafted anime of the season. Given a match between Fate/Zero and Kyoukai Senjou, i'll give this anime my vote, rarely have i being so impatient for each episode to come.
ODA ( It's really not hard to tell who's Hideyoshi from the group...)
teh hell Toori's naked at the last part!?
with the kind of animation and story they've shown (+ cliffhanger) I think season 2 is worth the wait... I hope the release a dl batch of it so i can watch it one a week...
still curious too on "that" last part
I guess the "Umi-da!!!" spirit must have took over him...