Insist no more. You don't suck, least not as much as stupid Kiss-shot does. And if you don't mind, will you please tell him
that for me?
Baka baka baka! Stupid Kiss-shot, baka! Who gets a stupid guide/art-book when you can't read Japanese, anyway?
Well, back to my default characterized-self...
TwilightEngel wrote...
I meant definitely exciting...god only knows why I typed never. I just thought that it was going to be delayed a bit longer, is all, since it just debut in the spring. It's been a long weekend. Sorry ^^:
definitely never wanna know what you did this past weekend, lol.
I just noticed but did you really have to delete it? You're just making me look an awful lot worse than I
really am. Thank you. *smirks*
JarPhones wrote...
BTW, whos that sweet little thing introd near the end? Didnt quite catch the name ...
That would be Amazoness. Quite fitting, don't you think?
And Yu Kobayashi is never, oops, is definitely a welcomed addition to the already superb, and, along with Hiroshi Kamiya -- the most re-sha(ft)ycled, cast of VAs. I know no other who can get as crazy as her, through voice alone.