hermitVI wrote...
Have you ever been gone cause I honestly didn't notice? What I did notice though was you weren't posting, and that's that for pleasantries.
Oh yes i have being off and on fakku just looking around and all ( mostly recently released doujins) and commenting a topic or two in the eroge section. But you can pretty much consider me dead for the past few weeks in the anime section for which i clearly lost interest in posting thanks to the little to no animes being watched by me . ( Thanks to a overdose of Rance series)
hermitVI wrote...
I thought it was unique how Hanekawa brought up this certain radio program she had been listening to when asked if she'd ever encountered a cat since that last time; if that wasn't already the "teasing" part of your statement.
That was a part i failed to mentioned when i post D:
Certainly, it was a good portion of the anime that i enjoyed , laughed and went back to a seriousness after i start noticed that the jokes over.
And also , as stated, i was looking forward to Senjouhara/ Araragi conversations. I was certainly expecting one since she dissapeared and rarely had much screen time.
hermitVI wrote...
How can two friends leisurely chatting give off such a feeling, especially when the sequences(or episodes even) prior to it emphasizes on Araragi being madly in love with Senjougahara? Or maybe I just didn't get what your point was, which I've got but you to thank for as well.
As directed to Senjouhara and Araragi once more. You see, them debating against each other is one thing i look forward and also want to see. Kanbarau's arc was a decent example, without it happening for the rest of the arcs, i was anticipating, prehapes even praying that i'll get to see one going on. But no, it didn't . D:
hermitVI wrote...
It wasn't, really; given his personality, I'd be even more surprised if he didn't.
For me it was, it gave the same vibe when i saw Ararai trying to rape, fight with Hachikuchi (did i get her name wrong? )Personal views my pal.
hermitVI wrote...
Was it? I remember her sporting pajamas with (mostly) nothing else underneath. Other than the peculiar cap and coat, I fail to see how anyone could actually put it as is. It's also as if you're saying that Sengoku's (or any other character for that matter) entity was nothing more than two pieces of clothing; not that there was any more to her than just being your resident moeblob anyway.
Perhapes i'm being harsh on this that comment ( arghhh too much coffee.... D: )
But the hat really shot a instant ripoff to me. An perfect example would be .... let's se.... Drills perhapes. Anyone who've watched Tenjou toppa guren langan would think of that anime instantly. The same logic just applies to me with hanegawa and that hat. ;)
hermitVI wrote...
Later than sooner? I'd make a guess and say it's gonna scheduled on any day in the last week of December and be held back for at least seven and a half days later.
(There has been no official announcement yet)
Aw crap D: I need mah Bakemonogatari.