Zellgadus wrote...
Kaimax wrote...
aiming at 100% adapting the "Unlimited Blade Works" Route from the VN
here's some pointers that will maybe change your disappointment into nothing
i'll be pointing out facts that Happen in UBW route, not in FAte Route
- Rider Vs Saber does not exist in UBW route. Quote from Type moon Wiki "Rider was killed early on in Unlimited Blade Works by Caster's master, Kuzuki Souichirou"
-Lol, yes it's obviously rushed, because you probably can't sit there watching it for more than 5 hours.
-Illya getting killed by Gilgamesh was in the route, and about how gruesome it is, it's not that gruesome... there's much more awaiting you if you Read Heaven's Feel Route. And to begin with it's by Nasu, he's a heartless genius which is awesome.
-Archer turning against you = Plot twist.
one of the major things UBW was so GAR.
-Once again Plot Twist, and it's a GOD tier plot twist.
Rin and Saber is literally the most powerful Combination
-Archer being alive makes sense if you know how the Servant system goes.
He has a (kinda forgetful) a +A rank in independent Actions, meaning that he has more than enough Mana To survive without Mana from his Master. this can means he can barely heal himslef for a a limited time.
-Well, if you Know the VN, it splits into 3 routes
1- FATE, this is more about Saber and Shiro's ideal to becaome a hero
2- UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS, More about Rin, and the idealism battle between Shiro and Archer EMIYA
3- HEAVENS FEEL, more about Sakura and Shiro abandoning his ideals to save the one that He loves most which is Sakura.
My memory is kinda sketchy, so better wait for Uzumaki for more details, since This is favorite route.
You're quite right in every single point you bring up. However, for people who played the VN and fell in love with the UBW route, the movie was, yes awesome, but lacking in a few points; some of which you even enunciated. I was basically was pissed off at how there were no RIN X SHIROU moments. I mean UBW route was all about RIN X SHIROU. Seriously, you played the VN and you knew the route was about that and you felt the feelings of Shirou for her. I don't even think there was even ONE moment where either of them said I love you or that they loved them (in their thoughts). That's what pisses me off.
Well, there were at least the tsundere moments between Shirou and Rin. But, yeah, the only thing they ended up saying was that Shirou "liked" girls like Rin.
Kaimax wrote...
My memory is kinda sketchy, so better wait for Uzumaki for more details, since This is favorite route.
Wait, were you calling me? Ah well.
Well, what Kaimax said is all true. That is all. (too lazy to type anything long today)
Fun fact:
The routes represent a certain moment in life
Fate: When you're a Kid, and chasing a single dream, it becomes bigger and bigger.
UBW: When you're a teenager, when someone tries to force down your ideals, you still stubbornly stick with yours and continue on wiht life
Heaven's Feel: When you're old, and you realize that your dream is nothing more than a dream, and you learn to let it go.
So i've heard
Figured out why when Archer appeared unscathed at the final battle.
It's because he's still Shirou, right? And as far as I know, Shirou still has Avalon inside him. Which means Archer has Avalon inside him too. And since when Saber is around in the present time activates Avalon, that quickly healed Archer's wounds
Occured to me while eating chicken, mind you.