Looking4Moar wrote...
Well I often talk to one of my buddies about anime, on a weekly basis, he often consults me for animes he should watch and recommend to other anime fans, or new to anime people, so this is more like a two part question.
For someone being introduced to anime for the first time, should some of the first animes he see (or maybe even
the first) be one of those ecchi harem comedies? FYI the guy is a minor, I believe my friend mentioned how he was around the age of starting High School.
I say No, unless he requests to see something like that.
But, can I ask you guys for some series he should see first? I already have some picked out, but I'd like to hear some opinions please.
Depends on his preference, but for the most part you should probably start him off on some main stream stuff like FMA or Yu Yu Hakusho.