Another anime title scheduled for airing in the Winter season of 2011/2012, the male protagonist of "Papa no Iu Koto o Kikinasai", Segawa Yuuta, is an university student, who suddenly finds himself looking after the 3 daughters left behind by his sister. Used to living by himself, how will Yuuta cope, now that he has to live and look after 3 nieces, each having different needs due to their ages and personalities?
To a certain extent, the notion of a slightly older male character looking after younger children is not new, as seen in the popular "Kodomo no Jikan" and the recent "Ro Kyu Bu". Although the premise is not exactly original, titles falling under the "Slice of Life" genre, with some comedy thrown in, will usually bring about smiles to viewers.
Cover images of the first three volumes of the light novels, courtesy of again:
A short preview, which can also be accessed from the official anime website:
Last but not least, a link to the official anime website. Check out the "Character" section to view a simple chart as to how the various characters are connected to one another.
He/She/They were laughing because it's not "Izumiya". It's Haruhi Suzumiya.
(I agree by the way.)
On a different note, I actually saw this manga on another site not too long ago. I only read a bit of it but it was super cute. :) So I have high hopes for the anime.
He/She/They were laughing because it's not "Izumiya". It's Haruhi Suzumiya.
(I agree by the way.)
On a different note, I actually saw this manga on another site not too long ago. I only read a bit of it but it was super cute. :) So I have high hopes for the anime.