AnimeNewsNetwork wrote...
Plot Summary: The series, which is also called HekiyÅ Gakuen Seito-kaigi Jiroku (The Records of the HekiyÅ Academy Student Council’s Activities), revolves around a private high school whose student council is chosen entirely by popularity vote. Because of this, Ken Sugisaki is the only male representative, in the otherwise all bishÅjo student council, that may enter the “sacred sanctuary” of the council’s meeting room. At the behest of Council President Kurimu Sakurano (pictured at right), Sugisaki records the minutes of the council meetings, which devolve into daily conversations about the students’ lives and interests.
Looking back at the preview images of the past few anime seasons, Seitokai no Ichizon could have been slated for summer 2009, but said title is now confirmed to air during autumn... or so I think. Based off a light novel series, Seitokai no Ichizon is popular enough with the readers to garner its own manga spinoff, and now, an anime adaptation.
Having a single male representative in an otherwise all-female student council does provide plenty of potential for ecchi fanservice, but I have a feeling Seitokai no Ichizon is more likely to go along the lines of everyday life in school. I will be paying particular attention to the artwork and animation which appealled to me at first glance. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide further information, apart from the official website, which currently only states the cast for the various characters. Hopefully, more details will surface over the next couple of weeks.
Last but not least, covers of the light novels (courtesy of, which may provide an indication of what to expect: